Courses after 12th.Top B.Sc courses details.

Courses after 12th.Bsc Courses.Medical Laboratory technology and Medical Imaging Technology.

In this blog we will bring to you best information about top courses after 12th which you can do.In this article,we will discuss about the degree of B s c in Medical laboratory technology,and degree of B s c in medical imaging technology,these courses are for those who had p,c,b means science,in 12th class.


In this article will will discuss about medical lab technology,medical imaging technology,their eligibility,age limit,institutes offering these courses,application process and documents required for applying.

What is Medical Lab. Technology?

Medical Laboratory Technology is an Allied Health specialty concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases through the use of clinical laboratory tests.

As vital members of the health care team, medical laboratory professionals play a critical role in collecting the information needed to give the best care to an ill or injured patient.


  • Scientific:Work as laboratory technologist at hospitals, Pharmaceutical laboratories, Public Health laboratories, research & product development.
  • Managerial:Supervisor in laboratory, as consultant to laboratory medicine industry, Quality assurance companies, sales & marketing.
  • Educational:As a tutor in laboratory medicine graduate program.

What is Medical Imaging Technology Degree?

BSc in Medical Imaging Technology program is suitable for students seeking  to  pursue a career field related to medical research & development or technological research in companies that lead to a breakthrough in diagnostic imaging.
Upon completion of this program, students will not only acquire a broad & detailed knowledge in medical imaging which help them be a new generation radiologic technologist, but also will have the opportunity to develop important practical skills in organising radiological department.


  • The graduates are work as Imaging Technologists in Hospitals with Radio diagnostic facilities both in public and private sectors.
  • The graduates have joined as Application specialists in Medical Imaging Equipment companies such as GE Health care, Philips, Seimens, etc.
  • The graduates also had got the teaching positions in educational institutions  in India and abroad and pursing research activities in Medical Imaging Technology.


1.Candidates Should be citizens of India or overseas       
   citizen of India.
2.Candidates should have passed the H S C or C B S E or 
   I C S E or other equivalent examination with     any one       of the subject combinations:

  • Physics, Chemistry, Biology and any other subject; or 
  • Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology.

Age Limit:

  • Candidates should have completed 17 years of age and,maximum age is 30 years as on 31st December, 2019.
  • For S C,S C A or S T candidates maximum age is raised to 35 years.

These are the Minimum Marks required:

1.For O C,B C,B C M,M B C and D Candidates:
   Individually 35% in P,C,B and math or Zoology and 
   Aggregate of 40%.
2.For S C or S C A or S T Candidates:Individually 35% in 
   P,C,B and Math or Zoology,and Aggregate of 35%.

English: A Pass in English with a minimum of 35% marks is mandatory.

Selection will be based on  Normalization of Marks.

For TamilNadu based colleges:

As per Tamil Nadu Act 3 of 2007, dt 05.03.2007 and G.O(Ms) No.77 HE(J2) Dept, dt. 05-04-2007, the marks obtained by the student in the relevant subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by various Boards or Authority shall be equated with the marks obtained by the students in the same subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by the State Board of Tamil Nadu by adopting the method of normalization.


Under the method of normalization the highest mark obtained by the students of various Boards in each subject will be equated to the highest mark obtained by the students of State Board in that subject and the relative marks obtained by other students in that subject will be determined accordingly.


If the highest mark secured by the student of State Board in Physics is 100 and the highest mark secured by a student of any other Board in the same subject is 90, both the highest mark will be considered to be equal to 100. If a student of the Other Board secures 60 marks in Physics when the first mark in Physics in the same board is 90, the 60 marks will be considered to be equal to 66.66 marks as arrived below: 100 X 60/90 = 66.66%.After normalization of marks in the relevant subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by different Boards, the qualified students of different Boards will be merged into a common merit list. In case of candidates who have qualified from National Boards such as CBSE and ISCE etc., the highest marks obtained by candidate at the National Level alone will be taken into consideration.

Quick question:

What Did you have,Maths or Zoology,along with Physics,Chemistry and Biology  in 12th class?
Answer In Comments.

These are the Institutes Offering these courses:

Application Process:

The Candidates seeking admission should Register and apply only through online by logging on to Websites of these institutes.For Link to The websites,see description.

Documents Required:

  1. Self attested photocopies of the following certificates along with the application:
  2. High school certificate or Equivalent Mark Sheet.
  3. Transfer Certificate.
  4. 10th Mark Sheet . 
  5. Permanent Community Certificate Card for S T or S C or S C A or M B C and D N C or B C and B C M obtained from the competent authority.
  6. Nativity Certificate (if applicable).
  7. H S C Hall Ticket or Equivalent Hall Ticket
  8. First graduate certificate and First Graduate Joint Declaration.

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